Our Goal

Unlike other trainers, we do not broker dogs. Even young dogs purchased from our highly regarded associates are required to complete CCK9’s challenging program.

A sporting dog will not protect you and your family in the real world, even if you are looking at Schutzund titled dogs, Ring sport dogs or even a KNPV titled dog. On occasion, we will purchase a titled dog only if we determine the dog is suitable genetically to perform in real scenaro work. Please inquire if you require a titled dog as we offer a service that vets titled dogs. Be assured the dog will conform to Command Control K9’s standards.

Our Own Breeding Program

At Command Control Caine we breed our own line of exceptional protection dogs which are in extremely high demand world-wide. Although we specialize in selling fully trained adult protection dogs, we produce 2 to 3 litters per year of Belgian Malinois puppies and German Shepherd puppies. A tremendous amount of thought and consideration is put into assembling a litter. All adult dogs bred at our facility have proven themselves and have successfully completed, at minimum, our Executive program.

CCK9 Owner with two trained protection dogs

Perry Ahlgrmm, President/CEO